“Where a man’s wound is, there his genius will be found.”
-Robert Bly

-What is a Men’s Circle/Group?
-Why join one?
-Interested in joining/learning more?
(Fill out form at bottom of page. ⬇️)

  • “Men’s Work”: The actions a man takes to consciously improve himself personally, relationally, and professionally, particularly in the company of other men.

  • When men gather together to intentionally work on themselves and their issues in a carefully constructed “container” — a group built on the fundamentals of trust, communication, confidentiality, and safety — the “work” just works, resulting in deeper connection, realization, and healing for every man present, without exception.

  • The TECHNOLOGY of TRIBE is baked into our bones, regardless of where your ancestors came from, the color of your skin, or your religious, ethnic, or sexual proclivities. If you go back far enough into your own personal historical lineage, you will find the men of your clan gathering together to speak to the issues and challenges of the day — sharing their experiences boldly, speaking the truth about what matters most, and dedicating themselves to the task of becoming better men. When men engage in such ways, healing, revelation, and camaraderie.

  • Men’s Work is for men of all ages, backgrounds, skin colors, sexual orientations, religions, cultures, and creeds. Men’s work doesn’t care where you’re from or who your Father was - it is for all men, but specifically men who are striving for something greater — for themselves, those they love, their families, communities, and planet. You need no experience to join, and even the most experienced learn something new every time. Get involved today. In-person and online groups available for immediate membership.

A Message for MEN:

”Once, men hunted the wilds and protected the people as Tribe, providing sustenance and stewardship for the good of the people.

Today, most men feel lost in a world that no longer makes sense, pushing paper for someone else's dream. Unsure of how to be a man or what it even means to be men in the modern world, it is almost impossible to find impactful teachings and education around masculinity and the traditions that once stewarded us into manhood.

But many men are beginning to wake up to the possibility of something new — the possibility of living their lives for something greater.

Many stand ready to do whatever it takes to transform themselves into the men our world is calling for, driven to seek the tools & training we always knew we needed but somehow never received as boys.

The INITIATION from boyhood to manhood is your BIRTHRIGHT, and it is a birthright most of us have been denied.

Fortunately, there is a TECHNOLOGY that makes this transition possible. And the good news is, this technology is already living inside of you. And while accessing and claiming this technology on your own is no easy task, it is one that is meant to be unfurled in the company of other men.

The rules of the game our fathers and grandfathers played by have changed. Old patterns of behavior, lone-wolf mentality, and the “cult of comparison” on social media have pitted us against each other as men, competing for scraps instead of joining together to build a ROUND TABLE where all may eat like Kings.

This must change for there to be a path forward for men as we shake off the mis-appropriations of “toxic” masculinity and “patriarchy.

Rather than stepping aside, I believe it is time for Men to step forward - forward into empowerment, competence, and responsibility.
It is time for men to be HEROES again, because there is no greater commodity in this world than a conscious and heroic man.

The “strong, silent type” is obsolete; so is the “good-vibes-only Hippie”. It is time for a new man to emerge, a man who can hold two seemingly mutually exclusive qualities AT THE SAME TIME:

Strength & Sensitivity;
Power & Presence;
Humor & Depth;
Kindness & Killer Instinct …
A man who can hold space, hold his partner, hold his business, hold himself, and hold the world.
A new man, for a new world. Just in time.
I believe you are that man. And I will never stop believing.”
— Mikaal Bates


Men’s Group Coaching

There is serious power in a collective of Men committed to the crucible of self-development. This work can be powerfully accelerated when done in the company of Clan or Tribe. This is the road inwards & downwards - the path to where we know we have to go, located in the place we least want to look. The good news is, you’re not meant to go there alone. Join a cohort of dedicated men ready to put it all on the line to create real and lasting change in their lives, NOW. Together, we train the tools to master our destiny. Whether you choose to use them is up to you…

Men’s Circles, Gatherings,& Retreats

Face-to-face or through the magic of Zoom, the “work” works. Join curated groups of dedicated practitioners and experience Men’s Work in its various forms: Men’s circles, all-day workshops, or weekend retreats dedicated to engaging the tools, concepts, practices, and technology of Men’s Work. Designed to help identify and forward your true mission, deepen your relationships, and build trust in yourself as a man others can count on, we are bound to have what you’re looking for. Book a FREE INTRO SESSION below to learn more.

“Conscious Combat”

Join in the men of your community for a different kind of Men's Work experience. Opening rituals, group work, partner challenges, and ‘Conscious Combat’ — come explore what it means to come together as men through time-tested practices that connect us both to our hearts, and to the sword. Together, we create a safe and powerful space for men to express and embody their anger, aggression, & intensity in a healthy, integrated way - sharpening each other into the Men our world is calling for. Monthly membership available.

Interested in joining a Men’s Group?
Reach out HERE ➡️➡️➡️
to get connected to an in-person or online group:

“One should make decisions within the space of seven breaths. It is a matter of being determined and having the spirit to break right through to the other side."

  • Hagakure